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No cookies were harmed in the making of this website, because none have been used. Read on for more information on privacy and data confidentiality.
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Red Baobab SL is completely committed to respecting and protecting your privacy. This statement explains company policy on collection, usage and protection of personal data.

Information We Collect

No analytics or tracking software is used by this site. Nor is there any automatic collection of data about visitors to the site. Your browsing activity on the site is private. The only way in which any personal information can be recorded is if you voluntarily contact the email address provided for Red Baobab SL.

Contacting Red Baobab

When you choose to contact us via the provided email address, we will use the information you provide solely for the purpose of responding to your enquiry or establishing a business relationship. We will not use your contact information for marketing purposes without your explicit consent. Nor will this information be shared with third parties without consent.

News Announcements

From time to time we may wish to share announcements on company activities. If you express an interest in receiving such announcements or updates from us, we may use your contact information to send you relevant information. You can opt out of these communications at any time.

Third-Party Links

This site links to third-party websites only for the purpose of providing social network and information relevant to the company business. We are not responsible for the privacy policies of these websites and you are encouraged to review such privacy policies if you choose to visit these sites.

Your Rights

We operate withing the legal framework defined by GDPR, and will respect the wishes of users of this site regarding the way in which personal information is handled. Feel free to contact Red Baobab SL (see contact details below) if you have any concerns about this issue.

Privacy Policy Changes

This policy may be subject to amendment for operational or legal reasons. Such changes will be effective from the moment the revised policy is posted on this site.

Thank you for visiting, here are the contact details if you want to get in touch:

Red Baobab SL
Calle Cruz Verde 24, 2º izda,
28004 Madrid,
